Little Seeds is our parent, baby and toddler group here at CBC that runs every Tuesday morning from 10am – 11:30am during term time.
There are loads of things to play with, from cars and toys to dressing up and play dough. We sometimes offer crafts for the children to do and we always finish our session with some nursery rhymes and a Bible related story together.
There is a small cost of £2 per family that includes hot drinks and cakes for the adults and a snack and drink for the children. Keep up to date via our Facebook page here.
Other Events
Every so often we hold events to connect families with each other and with the church.
We do this by putting on events and parties that are accessible for the whole family, for those who come to church or not, and provide lots of opportunities for fun and laughter.
We aim to have one family event per term. Keep up to date with events via our Facebook page here.
We also hold social events for our young people every so often for them to spend time together and have fun. Previous events have included go-karting, beach trips and pizza and games nights.