Audio and Visual
Thank you for considering serving on our AV team. We don’t expect our volunteers to serve any more than five weeks out of a three month rota. Please see below for more details:
Sound engineer
- Arrive at 9am to set up microphones and other equipment along with worship leader
- Be present for the rehearsal to mix the house and tweak foldback for the band
- Work with the projectionist if there are videos etc.
- Ensure the preacher, service leader and hand held mics are working
- Adjust mix during the service as required
- Pack down after the service
- Arrive 09:00 or by 09:30am
- Using the order of service, “build” the service in Quelea
- Test any videos with the sound engineer
- Check song words with the worship leader
- Ensure the stream is working, ready for go live at 10:25am
- During the service, switch between cameras and song words in OBS
- During the service, control song words and videos
- Pack down after the service
To apply to serve, or for more information please contact: [email protected]
Children and Youth
Thank you for considering serving on our children and youth team. It is a great privilege to serve our children and young people at CBC. Our children and young people have growing faiths, and it is a great responsibility to walk alongside them in their early years of faith. We currently have 3 groups that meet on a Sunday morning, Sparks/Ignite (0-4), Rise (4-11) and Impact (11-18) If you have a heart to serve our children and young people, please see below for more details.
- Pray for the children and young people.
- Serve in a group on a rota basis.
- Prepare any teaching or resources for that week.
- Arrive before church to be able to help set up your group.
- Meet at 10.15 to pray in the lower hall for that morning.
- Ensure all C&Y in the group are signed in for the morning.
- Engage C&Y within the activities and teaching.
- Be able to discuss faith and the Bible in a way that is meaningful and engaging with young people.
- Be willing to run games and activities for the children and young people.
- Lead a small group or Bible study
- Be able to attend training sessions from time to time and be up to date with relevant safeguarding procedures.
To apply to serve, or for more information please contact: [email protected]