Studying in Canterbury?
We can’t wait to welcome you to our CBC family.
Every Sunday @ 10:30am – Morning Service
Every Sunday after Morning Service – Free Student Lunch
Every Monday @ 7:30pm – Music Club
Every Wednesday @ 7:30pm – Young Adults Community Group

We believe that Jesus is good news for students. That means students whatever course you are studying be it IT, Art, Literature or Maths, Politics or Science, Jesus is good news for you.
We believe that church is more than an organisation or a social club, it is like a home and a family away from home. When the Bible addresses the church, it assumes an active life together with people playing their part in the body of Christ and living in relationships with one another as brothers and sisters.

As we gather to study God’s Word, we look to be that family to one another, to apply what we are learning in the context of being known. We don’t restrict this to the time we spend in church buildings but seek to be a community that worships, that prays, that mourns and that celebrates life together and seeks to encourage and build one another up.
In terms of our activities, we offer Student lunches on Sundays, Bible study groups, trips and outings, and opportunities to serve in the life of the church. So, if you’re studying in Canterbury, we want to hear from you. If you’re a student and you’re in Canterbury already, why not join us this coming Sunday and find out about our small groups?

If you’re planning to be in Canterbury or had hoped you would be right already, we’d love to start getting to know you now.
Either way, say hello by emailing our Student and Young Adult ministry coordinator Baiba on

Follow us on Facebook: CBC – Student Ministry | Facebook
Instagram: cbcstudentyaministry